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Home addresses and phones:
Ramenskoe Shkolnaya St., 1-3x, Moscow region, Sovhos Ramenskoe, Russia 140128. My Skype Name is Yegorovss.
Travel: From the railway station Kazanskiy voksal or from stations of the underground Vyhino, Aviamotornaya or Elekrozavodskaya by an electric train up to pl.47 km, further on foot 10-15 minutes.
The schedule of electric trains is here.
Lublino Krasnodarskaya St.,14-3x, Moskow, Russia, ph. +7(495)3517027
Office address and phones:
Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University) - MPEI MPEI, Lab."NIO GIR", Krasnokazarmennaya St., 14, Moskow, ph./fax , +7(495)-362-70-54, +7(495)-362-70-26.
Mobile phones: